Beginner's Photography Class
Saturday 08 February
Oakhill Jackson - 10am - 3 Hours
April Leigh
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance!
Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.
We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
Street Photography
Saturday 01 March
Czech Village - 10am - 2 Hours
April Leigh
People, cafes, vendors, street merchants, buskers, historic buildings, art installations and much more. The power of observation underpins the art of great street photography. Learning to "see" interesting detail is a practised skill and we introduce you to easy methods that will open your photographer's eye and expose you to a world that is alive with detail. The most rewarding part of the class is learning how to approach interesting people and have them willingly pose for you.
We will also go over settings, focusing techniques and lens choices common to street photography to help us capture those random chance encounters.
Beginner's Photography Class
Saturday 22 March
Oakhill Jackson - 10am - 3 Hours
April Leigh
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance!
Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.
We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
Radiant Portraits: Natural Light Photography Meetup
Saturday 12 April
Czech Village - 10am - 2 Hours
April Leigh
This class is your time to learn and gain a proper understanding of Composition and the importance of light to help boost your photography skills.
We, as a class, will be photographing a model without any on-camera flash or strobe photography. Just the available light, we will walk through, troubleshoot, make adjustments and capture a portrait successfully.
We will also learn how to use light modifiers like a reflector to help capture appropriately exposed shots in not-so-great lighting
Landscape Photography
Saturday 03 May
Otis Rd SE - 10am - 2 Hours
April Leigh
Landscape photography is possibly one of the most popular genres, so we'll be looking at how you can improve your shots and help your photos stand out from the crowd. We will be focusing on composition, panoramas, equipment tips and settings to use.
All skill levels welcome! The professional photography instructor will be there to provide advice, feedback and tips on how to improve your photos and camera skills.